We’re Missional. We’re Anglican.

Epiphany Anglican Mission is a new church community starting up in a couple of homes on Melrose Place in West Peoria, Illinois.

We are called to be a real and tangible blessing to our community. We’re not another church for the sake of ourselves or for the sake of churchgoers. We are a church for the sake of others.

Being Anglican means many of our practices and priorities are ancient. We follow an ancient liturgy and take communion together. We value the time in the church’s history before it started to divide out into different groups. We give a lot of precedent to that early unity.

Being a Mission, or being missional, means we reach out to the world around us instead of hoping to drag in the world (outreach instead of in-drag). Like missionaries, we are “sent” to greater Peoria in order to share the good news of what Jesus has done and wants to do in all of our lives, our city, and our world.

We are connected to the Anglican Diocese of Quincy, which is a part of the Anglican Church in North America.

Original church ceiling photo by Mr G’s Travels